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Free Radical Gasification

"Based on a preliminary understanding of Responsible Energy's Free Radical Gasification technology, I think this is the best and most advanced technology that has been seen to convert waste into energy.
​​2018 Independent Technology Review Report

For more than a decade, Responsible Energy has been at the forefront of crafting an innovative advanced thermal waste conversion technology. Our solution adeptly converts diverse industrial liquid wastes into an energy-packed synthesis gas (syngas). Designed to serve an array of industries, our approach benefits sectors like chemical production, petroleum extraction and refining, metal manufacturing, food and beverage, textile, pharmaceutical, electronics, pulp and paper, cosmetics and personal care, agriculture, automotive, among others.

Responsible Energy’s proven multi-patented Free Radical Gasification technology can competitively protect the environment by destroying waste, while at the same time produce a multitude of renewable resources. The secret of our Free Radical Gasification technology is the precisely controlled generation of a >5,000oC (>9,000oF) conversion zone. At this temperature, similar to that of the sun, molecular bonds are broken apart creating three valuable commodities: a clean synthesis gas (syngas), carbon black, and an inert granular aggregate.

UNIQUE Advantages

  • Easily meets all Environmental Regulations in any jurisdiction on the planet

  • Modular design – A site can be up and running at full capacity in under 9 months

  • Designed to process up to 100% liquids based on market demands

  • Able to produce more electricity than required to operate

  • Cash-flow positive facility even at an extremely small scale

  • Significantly lower capital cost than incineration or any other advanced thermal gasification solution

Advantages of Free Radical Gasification
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